IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking
20–23 September 2022 // Virtual Conference


The 19th annual IEEE SECON conference aims at providing a unique forum to exchange innovative research ideas, recent results, and share experiences among researchers and practitioners in wireless networks, mobile systems and the Internet of Things. The focus of IEEE SECON 2022 especially aims at showcasing the following.

  • Systems research, experimentation, hands on evaluations: The conference aims to serve as the reference exhibit for state-of-the-art research supported by implementation and insights gained on all scales of experimental network architectures.
  • Cross-disciplinary wireless research: Looking beyond current networking paradigms, IEEE SECON welcomes pioneering cross-disciplinary work at the intersection of wireless and parallel disciplinary areas including (but not limited to) new devices, physics, biology, computing, to name a few, encompassing topics ranging from biological communication and computing networks to wireless communication networks in uncharted spectral bands.